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Provide safety on the Internet and beyond with the help of custom-made AI for security

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The Challenges You Face

As an executive in the area of cybersecurity, you’re no stranger to the relentless battles against digital threats. From data breaches to ever-improving digital attacks, you need dynamic and innovative solutions to help you navigate this world.

Amongst the challenges, there is a new ally: AI-driven cybersecurity. With AI’s ability to process data at speed and at scale, AI can transform your game by increasing your efficiency. Your clients will be safer than ever, and you, as our client, will incorporate AI in the most reliable and interpretable possible, to keep the foundations of protection strong.

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AI Takes the Lead

In most cases, security threats occur when we lack resources like time, money or people to protect ourselves properly.



Many people are not aware of potential cybersecurity risks. Companies don’t have time to educate their employees, e.g. on phishing scams.



Strong protective measures can be expensive, time-consuming and complex. This targets small and medium businesses in particular, especially those without dedicated IT staff.



We increasingly allow our employees to use multiple devices to work, for example, mobile. Each new device introduces a new opportunity for a breach.



With regulations like GDPR, data safety has become the top priority for companies using personal data. Still, they do not introduce sufficient protective measures.

AI is a perfect tool when you lack resources. With its help, you can automate tasks like detection, identification or forecasting, making the solution to your problems cost-efficient and fast.

Looking for inspiration?

Network traffic monitoring

Network traffic monitoring to find anomalies in your traffic and protect you against potential attacks

Security alert classification

Security alert classification and prioritisation to reduce the workload of your security analysts

User behaviour analysis

User behaviour analysis to look for anomalies in their behaviours which could be a sign of security breach

Do you have other ideas? Let’s discuss them over a call.

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