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Case study

Automatic semantic analysis of legal contracts.


Automatic categorisation of various parts of the contract, e.g. contractual penalties, property rights, parties to the contract, definitions, etc. Automatic generation of a document template based on hundreds of similar contracts, including handling of contracts in PDF format.

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Organisation profile

Pergamin, a Warsaw-headquartered startup specialising in handling eContracts, is a platform for the effective creation and management of contracts and other legal documents (attachments, protocols, circulation cards, agreements, statements, etc.) intended for companies.

The tool allows you to quickly create and sign a contract using an online platform.


MIM Solutions has developed a tool for automatic semantic analysis of legal contracts for Pergamin.

We helped in the creation of legal contract templates using only a small number of contracts obtained from a given client (company), thus improving the preparation of a contract in the company. The tool accepts multiple formats as inputs (text, PDF files and images) and performs semantic analysis, i.e. named-entity recognition or semantic segmentation using state-of-the-art few-shot learning and transfer learning in NLP (natural language processing).

Tens of thousands of contracts have already been signed electronically via the platform. The contracts concluded in this way have been repeatedly recognised by state institutions, such as the Tax Office or Poland’s Social Insurance Institution.


For each new contract, the system automatically generates a template in a suitable format and marks all important parts of the contract.

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