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Case study

An intelligent platform supporting the diagnosis and treatment of fertility disorders


Personalization of the treatment process in order to maximize its effectiveness.

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Organisation profile

For over 20 years INVICTA sp. z o.o. has specialized in comprehensive fertility support and treatment of fertility disorders, creating pioneering solutions and providing access to the most modern diagnostic tests and treatment methods. The activity is carried out on the basis of a network of clinics located in Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz, Gdynia, Słupsk, Wrocław and Warsaw, which are supported by specialized INVICTA Medical Diagnostic Laboratories.

The company, thanks to its own diagnostic and embryological laboratory and conducted research projects in its Research and Development Center (CBR), effectively implements modern proprietary medical solutions based on the latest achievements of medicine and technology.


In January 2022, together with the INVICTA Research and Development Center, we launched a very unique project - together we want to create software that will support the doctor in the process of making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.

As part of the R&D project, we will build an AI platform that will tell the doctor what clinical treatment will be the most optimal for a given patient in the process of treating fertility disorders. Advanced Machine Learning algorithms will analyze hundreds of thousands of patient histories to create the most effective and cost-effective pathways for diagnosis and treatment. The AI ​​platform will base its suggestions on dozens of parameters, individually assessing the situation of each person. Thanks to this, the treatment will become more personalized and thus more effective.

Our software will also facilitate the doctor’s daily work. The platform will present the patient’s results in such a way as to enable the physician to get to know the most important information for the patient at a given stage of the diagnosis and treatment process. In addition, the platform will be advising the doctor what important medical parameters to verify in order to properly assess the patient’s situation.

The works envisaged in the project are aimed at creating an innovative solution, not only on a national scale, but also on the international arena.
The platform will be used at INVICTA, but will also be available as independent software to other gynecological points of care. This will increase the availability of effective infertility treatment also outside INVICTA clinics.


Project in progress.

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