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Date of publication: 2 years ago

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Polish tech company seeks clinics to test breakthrough

technology supporting the treatment of fertility disorders

  • A new project, disrupting the time-consuming and costly in vitro procedure, is an initiative being developed by Polish company MIM Solutions. This is the first solution of its kind in Poland, the effectiveness of which is comparable to that of an embryologist with 30 years of experience.
  • The EMBRYOAID project is based on artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that support the doctor in the process of selecting embryos for application by indicating those that have the best chance of successful implantation in the uterus. Thanks to this, the chances for couples struggling with fertility are significantly increased.
  • There are already seven infertility clinics in Poland that have declared their willingness to use the application. Currently, there is a recruitment process underway in search of further institutions/clinics that would like to provide anonymised data to the project in order to support it.

 One of the main challenges with IVF is the lack of objective and accurate indicators when choosing which embryo has the best chance of survival in the uterus. Currently, embryologists hold the key to success, having years of training and experience plus the support of specialised tools, which, however, are not ideal.

The issue of choosing the right embryos for implantation is extremely important because it increases the chance of success of the entire procedure, minimises complications and ensures the health of the child. At the same time, this is an important challenge because there is still a lack of objective methods for the accurate assessment of individual embryos. Currently available tools to support this decision have their limitations. They are highly subjective, usually time-consuming and often very expensive. For this reason, we are always open to scientific innovations that can help patients achieve the desired pregnancy, emphasises Prof. Waldemar Kuczyński from the Kriobank Infertility Treatment Centre in Białystok.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have answers to the challenges associated with the in vitro procedure. Developed by Polish company MIM Solutions, the EMBRYOAID project is the first application in Poland that uses these technologies to support the embryologist in their work. By recommending which embryo has the best chance in the uterus, the software significantly increases the likelihood of success. Although the specialist remains irreplaceable throughout the process, such support can be invaluable – artificial intelligence can be as effective as an embryologist with 30 years of experience.

From problem to solution

Launched in 2021, the groundbreaking EMBRYOAID research and development project is an initiative of the Polish IT company MIM Solutions, originating from the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw. The company specialises in solutions based on artificial intelligence. The main inspiration to start working on the technology was a desire to help couples who have problems obtaining desired offspring in a natural way. MIM’s assumptions were confirmed during talks with the Cryobank fertility disorders clinic, founded by one of the precursors of in vitro treatment in Poland – Prof. Waldemar Kuczyński, MD, PhD, who also became a strategic partner of the initiative.

Currently, an interdisciplinary team is working on the project. The team comprises experienced doctors specialising in the treatment of fertility disorders as well as embryologists and specialists in the field of machine learning. However, for the development of the initiative, it is necessary to work closely with assisted procreation centres in order to provide anonymised data for analysis. Currently, these centres include Kriobank in Białystok and six Polish infertility clinics belonging to the INVICTA network. The project is being implemented under the patronage of the Our Stork Association and has also received the support of the National Centre for Research and Development, which granted funding in the amount of over PLN 7.3 million.

In vitro with AI: more accurate, effective and safer

Lack of access to objective indicators to assess the development of embryos can lead to high variability in the in vitro process itself. An AI-based system that takes such indicators into account is therefore crucial to increase the success of treatment. However, artificial intelligence is not intended to replace the doctor. Its task is to support people and allow them to become better specialists,” says Dr Piotr Wygocki, CEO of MIM Solutions.

An analysis of more than 20,000 photos and videos of developing embryos has enabled the development of a proprietary algorithm based on artificial intelligence which effectively supports the embryologist at the stage of assessing the development of the embryo.

The system learns by analysing how embryos change over time, and then it uses this knowledge to select the embryo best suited for implantation in the uterus. We have already achieved a high-quality predictive algorithm as well as implemented the automatic detection of characteristic points in foetal development and key features. By understanding the entire development process, the system is able to effectively support the embryologist even if she / he has only one image of the embryo at her / his disposal, thus reducing the number of fertilisation cycles. As a result, we can increase the quality and effectiveness of treatment, and this is the main goal of the solutions we develop: placing a person at the centre of attention and acting in her / his favour,”- points out Ula Sankowska, COO of MIM Solutions.

The algorithm that MIM Solutions is working on is the first of its kind in Poland. Although there are already several similar solutions in the world, EMBRYOAID stands out for the quality and accuracy of the results – they are shown in a form that allows them to be interpreted by both the doctor and the patient. Thus, it gives medical facilities a fundamental market advantage by improving the effectiveness of treatment and saving time. The Polish project is also a much cheaper alternative to the analytical tools currently on the market, available only in the most expensive clinics specialising in IVF.

Recruitment of clinics into the program

Currently, the research team is looking for new data sources to achieve even better results for their predictive model and build the most versatile application possible. For this purpose, it is necessary to establish cooperation with further in vitro clinics. Hence, MIM Solutions is opening a call for proposals to which institutions from all over the world can apply free of charge.

IVF clinics are very modern medical centres open to new technologies. Therefore, any solution that improves their operation and increases the effectiveness of the procedure is welcome on the market as it will enable such centres to become more competitive and better help their patients. And it is important to mention that the project does not burden the clinic’s specialists with additional work, while ensuring the security and anonymity of patient data,” emphasises Ula Sankowska, COO MIM Solutions.

IVF clinics that decide to participate in the project will be granted free use of our system, which is compatible with all types of embryoscopes and microscopes. In the longer term, participation in the project will be associated with royalties from net revenues from the sale of applications by MIM Solutions.

You can read more about the project here:


Ula Sankowska

PR & Marketing Manager

Tel. +48-606 366 958



About MIM Solutions:

MIM Solutions is a leading IT company specialising in solutions based on machine and deep learning. Founded in 2015 by Prof. Piotr Sankowski and Dr Piotr Wygocki, it is the first spin-off from the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw specialising in solutions based on artificial intelligence. Currently, MIM Solutions is conducting ambitious research and development projects that aim to provide completely new innovative solutions at the global level. In particular, the company is engaged in the creation and development of AI technologies in the MedFemTech industry with projects such as FOLLISCAN and EMBRYOAID.

MIM Solutions currently has one of the most experienced teams of AI and ML specialists in Poland, and it can support any organization in the use of artificial intelligence. The company works with fertility clinics on a daily basis to create AI-based solutions that can improve success, reduce errors and lead to faster, cheaper and more accessible treatment processes. It also provides solutions for the e-commerce, telecommunications and advertising industries.

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