Wie es um die polnische Informatik
Es ist nicht so schlimm mit dieser Informatik, aber es gibt immer noch eine Menge zu tun. Unser Gespräch (Mikołaj Bojańczyk, Stefan Dziembowski und ich)
Patient safety comes first in our AI systems – we value reliability and interpretability.
Introduce AI power to decode your customer behaviour for retail and marketing.
Cyber attacks are more clever – but AI can protect your value, so you can sleep well.
We are not afraid of other sectors – we have successful projects, e.g. in the automotive industry.
Es ist nicht so schlimm mit dieser Informatik, aber es gibt immer noch eine Menge zu tun. Unser Gespräch (Mikołaj Bojańczyk, Stefan Dziembowski und ich)
Years ago when I learned about Google PageRank algorithm, my first reaction was this is not the way it should be done! There should be
Als ich vor Jahren vom Algorithmus Google PageRank erfuhr, war meine erste Reaktion: So sollte das aber nicht gemacht werden! Es sollte einen Beweis geben.
I remember that in early spring when COVID pandemic started everyone was fascinated with all the mathematical modeling tools that predict the spread of the
Ich erinnere mich, dass im Frühjahr, als die COVID-Pandemie begann, alle von all den mathematischen Modellierungswerkzeugen fasziniert waren, die die Ausbreitung des Virus vorhersagen. Es
MIM Solutions was launched as a spin-off of the University of Warsaw’s Algorithms Group, directed by prof. Piotr Sankowski. The company has brought together experts passionate about solving practical algorithmic problems efficiently, and this has finally evolved towards machine learning. Although MIM Solutions is not a part of the university now, we are still in tight cooperation.
MIM Solutions specialises in difficult tasks. We are proficient in providing effective solutions, especially when standard methods have failed. However, for the most common problems we specialise in, we offer a set of generic services ready to swiftly deploy in any environment.
MIM Solutions is a company registered in the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the City of Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court. Register. KRS: 0000581404, NIP: PL5213710082.